Saturday, May 21, 2011

pay the price

here goes the story i have just watched..
i am watching House while suddenly i ponder something which regards to the episode. there's a wife which is life is in stake and a husband.while in order to get a treatment both were asking whether they have an affair because it is sleeping sickness that must gotten if one of then have been to africa. or to be clear its African Tryponosomiasis. when both of the husband and wife x penah been out daripada America so the doctors ask if they have affairs that may make parasites transmitted through sex. so they admit no lah kan. so the wife got into coma. and worst of the case the next day blood pressure die drop and fever reach smpy 104. then the husband datang la bg semangat.saying dont die, dont die.crying somemore. and promptly BP rises and the wife wake from coma. ok a point lah nak cakap.sometimes loves do the miracles where science cant explain it. who else can accept kan bila the husband dtg and say something like that and the wife leh bgn dr coma. where it might be something that motivate the wife kot. i dont know i dont learn this. but i have heard something similar as this like people in coma needs motivation and supports to fight the unawareness because they can listens. its just the body paralyzes and cant respond. so sambung cerita. when the wife awake rupa-rupanya the wife yang ade affair. the husband pun tinggalkan wife and cant accpet what the wife did. Dr House ni pun cakap lah, the favorite quotes WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES AND WE ALL PAY A PRICE.true lah kan. why the wife cheated and play dirt behind the husband and with the husband punya kawan baik pulak tu. something like this mmg unforgiven. seriously. it is a mistake yang clearly insensible. as for the wife part, though her life at stake, she didnt admit it because what, because she knows her husband is a saint.and if she admit at the beginning the husband would walk away. if it is love at the first place the wife tak buat cmtu. it is something that i get from this episode lah. DONT CHEAT. and BE TRUTHFUL. truth can be ugly as it is but lie can kill.and DONT TORN THE RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE LOVES DONT ALWAYS BE PATIENCE. IT IS SOMETIMES LETTING GO.

*Listening to Jessie J-Nobody's Perfect*

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