Tuesday, May 17, 2011

familyship is an awesome bond Allah gives to me.

last night,went bowling with along, kak long. hafiy. asya and mak. it's been a while we're not doing some leisure thing such this. because we're pretty busy.or we just like to stay home and have chit chat and cooking and eating session though. it's last night we're having some exercise.it's exercise because my hand muscle kinda ache and i sleep more hours than usual.exhausted.so we were playing 2 frames. which for the first frame i won. yeay. but because along improve and sgt bersemangat for the second game.i just let him win.hahaha. no he's so good. only for the first game bola die suka kat longkang.heeeee. and hafiy sgt gembira bila dpat baling bola dekat lane tuh.hahaha.gelak sakan die.but of course i am having great family time except abah bg alasan macam2 sebab x nak ikut.huuu abah sakit kaki.thats the reason.i love my family.everyone does.i am really happy to see smile curve on my mum's face. i know she's been so lonely since anak2 die duduk jauh. balik once a month or kadang2 3 months. i know the loneliness. for abah he's working.tp untuk mak been all day long in house, i know how she feels.have you feel this, when you become older year by year, you realise how much your parents have done to you. their sacrifices, their loves. they never ask anything in returns. you just don't feel this when you are in teens worlds.it's not you dont love them.but you are more appreciating them when you become older and realise you have to spare time with them.take care of them.value everyhing they did back when you are younger.and at the end you realise you have to really thinking someday they will leave you. so berbaktilah. you dont know when they gonna leave. take this time, value and gives loves. give loves like they did when they take care of you when you're a miniature creature.

"Dan Rabbmu telah memerintahkan agar kamu jangan menyembah (beribadah) selain Dia dan HENDAKLAH BERBUAT BAIK KEPADA KEDUA IBUBAPA. Jika salah seorang dari keduanya atau kedua-duanya telah sampai berusia lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka janganlah engkau mengatakan "Ah!" dan janganlah engkau membentak keduanya, dan ucapkanlah kepada keduanya perkataan yang baik. Dan rendahkanlah dirimu kepada keduanya dengan penuh kasih sayang dan ucapkanlah "Wahai Rabbku, sayangilah keduanya sebagaimana mereka berdua telah mendidikku pada waktu kecil" (Surah al-Isra': 23-24) 

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