people talking on miscellaneous. sometimes we cross the borderline of talking rules. sometimes people forget when they talk. they forget that their words might hurt other's feeling. sometimes their words poison. but most of the time. the talking is soothing. sebab tu ada sabda Rasulullah yang asked us the umat to bercakap bila perlu. because when too much talking, and we are oblivous what the crap we are talking kan. kenapa sabda kekasih Allah mcm tu, sbb bila kita terlampau asyik nk bercakap, kita x sedar. and during unconsciousness tu la, false words spill. kita rase betul apa yang kita ckp, tp on other condition, kita da guriskan ati orang.
sometimes, x sume bnde kita kena cakap. ada yang kita harus simpan. ada yang kita perlu tegur. diam adalah yang terbaik. kita nmpak salah orang, kita nmpak buruk orang. diam. kalo berupaya,tegurlah. tapi berhikmah. tp people out there misunderstood the concept of hypocrisy. why arise the issue of not being hypocrite kalo diri sendiri kadang2 hipokrit without yourself realise. outspoken doesn't really mean you're not hypocrite.otherwise,u unleash the unmaturity of your side. its fine to speak things out loud. but dont cause a scene. if we thing we are outspoken, speak whatever we want to speak at the person's face. choose a good medium. yang paling penting hikmah. apabila berhikmah. outsopken macam mana pun, insyaAllah apa pun boleyh diterima with open heart. but seriuosly dont cause scene. dont cause trouble.bila kita sedar apa yang perlu cakap and apa yang harus disimpan. kita boleh memilih apa yang benar. mungkin bagi kita betul apa yang kita buat. but some other people dislike kan. we cant always please eveybody. but try ourselves best to not hurt anybody tu. kalo refer adat Melayu pun, kita faham. why ada pantun. why ada kiasan. sbb orang Melayu dulu faham erti menjaga hati sesama mereka. thats why they channeled segara jenis teguran, nasihat through those thing kan.
* this is an advice to myself. we are not perfect. but trying to be one of the perfect. whatever way we define perfect. apa pun suma ni berbalik kepada diri sendiri.
*Listening to Boyce Avanue- Same Mistake*
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