Tuesday, April 12, 2011

i know them since forever

last 2 days bersykpe ngn my best best best friend in the world...haru jugak..bgn2 tido on9 pastu tego one of them..sekali downg tgh wt grouping skype...mmg harus lah ak join...mane tak, jelessssss lah ak..rindu da ngan mak cik2 dan nenek2 ni..adoi kalo da nme skype kan..kalo x gila x la nme skype..kalo nk betul2kn webcam da lme da..pastuh bile all dah conneted...semua x sbar2 nk ckp..hahaha...riuh smpy xdgr satu pun..mmg byase sgt lah tu kalo da gather same2..fuhhhh kalo boleh ptut amek nombor mase nk ckp tu...

haha..pastuh nk amek gmbr punye pasal kan semngat la g headcover kan...eheeeee...btw we all seperated by distance kan..atikah yang pkai tudung putih is now in Uni of Nottingham, UK..die amek bioteknologi..right die paling jauh....and yang pkai shawl merah tu syafiqah, die kat UM je...now doing microbiology.. there are actually 5 of us which has been bestfriend since primary school kot..mase selsema and hingus meleleh tu la i knew them..another two is mai sarrah which at that time ptut ade tap disebabkan line internet die yang"laju" die xdpat skype..aisyhhh mai..mai sarah kat UPM taking environmental scince ko..kan mai kalo x silap...eheeee..and one more is mahirah..she now in Bandung doing Medic..myra agak bz kot..and seldom on9 skype..so if terjadi tragedi skype secara tibe2 mmg die xde la...kene plan..yelah awak tu nk jd DR..bz je..hehehe..

though distance astray us apart, we hold the name of this bestfriendship with loyalty and much love..and sorry girls, because always bz sampai x sempat fb and skype..kalo ade ak tu mmg ak rse nk lompat kalo dpat skype..so sorry ye...but you guys are the best...I can say they know me in and out..we dont really have same interest..but that make us complement..and yang paling penting ape pun jadi kita x penah simpan dalm hati..ak lah..korang ak rse pun tak kan..I love this bestfriendship and I love you DEDELCIT!!!!!!

*Listening to Bruno Mars-Count on Me*


ieqa said...

hahahhahahah sangat tetrsentoh huhu ngan lagoo jiwang ko ni hahaha

lesslonelygurl said...

ni yg nk ngamuk ni.sejak bila plak aku kat notts?haha.agak2 la weyh.aku kat birm kot.uni of birmingham.lek2 je bole slh ko ni syud.haha

shudeshude said...

hahahaha...sudah..kan da slah...hahaha...adoi tika xpasal2 kan..npe ak ingt nott weyh..serius...ak ni bukan thap spelling error.. memorize disorder pun ade..sorry tikaaaaaaaaaa

piqa: mmg saje bg ko nanges..hahahaa