Saturday, April 23, 2011


It’s a difficult life style to live,
Wearing hijab day in and day out,
Covering your body from head to toe,
Leaving nothing but your hands and face to show.

Living in the West is harder than the East
But living in the East,
Walking down the street,
You’re nothing but a sight for men’s eyes to feast.

Having been unattached from women since a young age
Men in the Arab world tend to drool when they see a lady walk by
Whether she’s in hijab
Or wearing jeans that are hugging her thighs.

In the West you have people who don’t understand your choice
No we‘re not oppressed, especially us in the West
They question your choice of attire
Because they’re so used to seeing women almost or fully undressed.

We’re hated and ridiculed for covering our head
But don’t they know that the mother of the man they worship
Dressed as we do?
We’re living the same life she lead.

Even other hijabis criticize one another’s dress;
“Why wear the abaya everywhere?”
Or “Your clothes are too tight.”
Forget the salam, what you get is a disgusted stare.

It will always be a mystery to me
As to why covering one’s body is such a debatable affect.
We’re all human, ladies and gents,
So stop with the disrespect.

Wearing hijab is what is asked of us by God
And there are many of us Muslimahs that respect this 
It may be a burden in this life,
But in the afterlife, we’ll be living in bliss.

Reality is, it’s always going to be difficult being a hijabi
Being different in general is just a huge mess
But God promised not to burden us
So I’m going to keep rocking my scarf, and with His will, I’ll be blessed.

-Lara Abu Ghannam-

** this is not owned by me.i obtained this from my tumblr. see this click through Hijabis to see the tumblog of this poet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so true!!