Wednesday, March 2, 2011

tumblr,reblog, pictures and quotes

before i actually have this blogspot, i have signed up to tumblr. since 2 last years if I was not mistaken.tumblr have every reason why the tumblr-ians stick and stay with the tumblog.

alrite peeps this is my tumblr, just ignore tab yang queue kat atas tu.

title: SHE NOT ME

song on the list: Jar of Hearts-Christina Perri
viewed: 6285 times
last post: 01 March 2011
date of establish: yang ni x ingat lah..such thing yang important cmni leyh pulak lupa.xtahu da bile burfday die ni.

ni pulak dashboard tumblr. dashboard ni lah yang kite akn dpat all the post from person yang kita follow. macam dashboard blog jugak lah. function is almost the same la.

5 reasons why I choose to stay as tumblri-an forever

  1. beautiful, cool piece of pastiche, dainty artwork and captivating pictures. I am utterly amazed with the pics they post on the tumblr. xtahu nak describe camne. the effects, angle and everything blend together and produce a fringging wonderful picture. xjemu la tengok.SERIOUS!
  2. quotes speak from a heart. quotes yang di-post mcm speak bnde yang slalu kita fikir tapi xleyh nk spit out through mouth ni ha. rase sometimes bila bace all the quotes tuh mcm, eyh, ni lah yang we felt on certain situation or condition but indescribable. then bump into ngn those quotes rase mcm, ok...atleast there is a homosapien  who have the same emotion as mine. which I am not the ONLY one experience this.
  3. moments sharing. there's time yang ak reblog sume bnde2 yang happy kat sini. there's time yang sad, amek sume quotes gambar nak sedih je. and kalo da vampoireobsessed sgt mmg sume  actor and actress Vampire Diary ak reblog and kdg2 dpat gak request from friend suruh post sedih ke sebb downg putus cinta, argue ngn bf and lain2.which i am pleasure to do it. sbb kalo nak tolong orang, ada banyak je cara. if from those quotes boleyh legakan dowang. tapelah ak scroll lah page tuh mcm menggila carikan quotes. as long as they can bring the calmness even a bit.
  4. gratitude, love, hatred expression. this is one of the way lah i expressed my love to you.through the quotes especially. and some random pictures too. and even from my junk words.and song that i post. because i know you view my tumblr almost everyday. and yes you are my avid tumblog fan kan?
  5. filled my leisure time scroll insanely. kalo da byk sgt FREE TIME kan. mmg best layan tumblr. scroll lah cm orang gila. kalo loading post pun nak gak tunggu. kalo tibe2 pop up TUMBLR IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. xpun WE"LL BE BACK SHORTLY.WE MAY FORGOTTEN TO FEED THE WILD TUMBEAST THAT ROAM OUR DATACENTER RESUlTING IN GNAWING AND/OR MUTINY.ANIMAL CONTROL HAS BEEN ALERTED. mula lah rasa cm nak menggila sebb bosan xde bnde nak tgk. haisyhh dah mcm addiction pun ade jugak. 
If i were to list all the reasons, an entry won't do. If u want to feel the joy sensation I convey, visit any tumblr site. better still to visit mine. I claimed u will be affected.

some of the pictures.


Azmer Lias said...

best ke tumblr ni?!

shudeshude said...

nak tahu best ke x..try lah usha ak nye..ak suke jew..