Saturday, March 26, 2011

call me for help...

received my blood screening result yesterday. and i am an O type. that makes me a big donor for blood. i can issue my blood to any of the ABO group.and in an emergency transfusion, i can be a huge help. but poor is poor, i can help but i cant received. O is for all but O received only an O. during the explanation regarding ngan screening sume tu.xla fhm sgt.i need a better explanation. not something that so overall everything is well. no cancer indication. is just LDL cholesterol exceed normal. tp xde pape pn.heee. and first time in my life i've done the test,and i hold the blood group card kan. rase baru cam heatlh conscious sikit..


 2 durians in 8 minutes

durian pertama

 after 5 minutes

ok da abes.:))))

sedap.yummy3.though i am not a big fan of this 'king of fruit' tp wa cakap lu melayu mana tak makan durian weyh.rugi lah anda apabila tidak dapat merasa keenakan durian buah tempatan kebanggaan malaysia.


AinSyaz said...

ceyh, ada hati tu nak bg darah kat org :P
cukup darah ke nak derma darah? :P

wohaaaa.. durian! nyum2!
sokong! x melayu kalau tak makan durian :P
org putih pon ade yg mkn durian.

shudeshude said...

ain muka ak x layak ke nk menderma..ak kan pemurah...hahahha

hahaha..ak org pueh mkn je durian..:)))

AinSyaz said...

muka kau mmg layak menderma. tp berat badan layak ke? hikhihkhikhik :P

org pueh? yessss. spelling error di situ! yeeeeehuuuu!