Thursday, February 17, 2011 is officially launched

*excited.excited. excited
I have my own blog.awesome gile ni.serius
never thought I could have one because I am a real lazy bump bab menulis ni
actually, sgt teruja bila tengok my friends ad blog
cam seronok. 
so now, ak pun ade BLOG..
i am not sure what i will write for the content
but this will become my channel for me
to spill my thought, express my feeling and share my fabulous life.
whoever feel nak bace. you're so welcomed.
sape yang benci, i woudn't blame

personally, from my deepest heart..bunch of thanks for this great people yang tolong ak ntuk
for myra,awak lah paling banyak teramat sangat tolong kita dalam mendesign the layout, header and bg kite sume illistration.
kite mmg xkan dpat kalahkan kesifuan awak dlm hal blog ni.
for my housemate, lely and julia yang gile
thanks amat sangat tidak terhingga rasanye sebb came with loads of ideas untuk url blogspot ni.
idea korang mmg gempak smpai akhirnya ku memilih url ni.
and to YOU(leyh x nk letak bunga2 kat sini..hee). xixie for the comments pasal layout and header tu. dah tengok header tuh tak gedik dah. remove dah muka minah kuning tu.
and thanks for people yang akan membaca blog ini secara sengaja mahupun tak.


Monroe said...

hahaha fuhhh2. bru phm launched ap. hahaha

shudeshude said...

kan mcm spaceship gile..haha

Azmer Lias said...

welcome to the club...
jgn lupe wt entri tiap2 hari..
hahahaha XB

shudeshude said...

hahaha..rajin pulak kan aku kan...ak xrajin mcm ko lah