Friday, February 25, 2011

i am so tired,i need to go far

i am so tired
the negativity filled my head
i need to ditch all the negativity in my head
i have to go far
for awhile
leaving all the mess behind
ignoring the sadness
seeking the serenity
i need to go far
to fix the broken
to value how worth we've been before
to heal the ails
to talk to myself alone
you are still the same important person in my life ever
nothing changed
its just now
i am your pain
i am sorry

listening to Fix you-coldplay and ghost in the machine-BOB


Monroe said...

when things started to go haywire, take a deep breath and cautiously unravel the tangle.

shudeshude said...

everything is wrong now.kite xtahu lah awak..